Friday 23 March 2007

like a loon

What a week! One word - emotional. With feelings running higher than the empire state for most of it, this week has been what you would call tiring. I am looking forward to the weekend and the chance to shut my brain off and not think about anything for a couple of days!

Though I am not looking forward to a weekend of chasing around like a loon trying to amuse the most demanding cat in the world. Having spent most of this week rushing around the house trailing a piece of string behind me like some kind of crazy person, followed by an equally crazed cat trying to catch the said bit of string, I kinda feel like it's time for a rest.

Got a funny feeling James won't agree...

Wednesday 21 March 2007

alright treacle

Ever feel like you're walking through treacle?

Today was one of those days for me, where you feel like you've trudged on all day only to end up pretty much where you started from. I guess the trick is to not worry too much about where you've ended up, but what you've gained along the way... apart from a few inches from all the treacle of course.

Sometimes life feels like it's a lot more complicated than it is, and it's only when we stop and take a step back that we really see things for what they are. My individual struggles today, while they are frustrating, they serve a purpose to try to bring in a new perspective and make things better for the future.

It's funny really, how things work out...

Tuesday 20 March 2007

the fun starts here...

So, my first foray into the world of blogging starts here. Kind of scary really when you think about it. The random verbalisation of your thoughts, captured down for others to read, pass judgement, form opinions - no pressure!

So, the aim for my blog is to be a kind of record of my thoughts, hopefully interesting, maybe funny, but mainly just me.