Thursday, 3 May 2007

brum brum

Well, it seems that my mini rant about BMWs wasn't unfounded. On my way home, with my skinny space saver on my poor little car, a lovely BMW driver decided that my legal limit of 50 mph wasn't quite fast enough, so to chivvy me along, he'd get really close up behind me, flash his lights, sound his horn and generally gestate wildly at me...

Sometimes I really wonder about people, and why they feel that this is acceptable behaviour? When we really should have left this childish trantrum tendancy back in the playground - i guess the only explanation is that being in a BMW makes them regress or that BMW stands for Become a Major W*nker.


Tuesday, 1 May 2007


After my 'accident' this morning, I was going to have a rant about BMW drivers and the way they think they own the road. But I realise it's a sweeping generalisation and that there must be some decent ones out there. Isn't there?

It was terrifying, and i suppose quite humbling. It makes you appreciate how normalised the experience of driving has become and how we take the danger of what we do with a pinch of salt! I was pretty shaken up, and to be honest angry about the fact that yet again I have to pay out money because of someone else's actions.

But, on the positive side, I wasn't hurt and my car wasn't damaged so maybe it wasn't all bad after all.