Thursday 11 October 2007

problems or solutions

Well here we are at the end of another day. I've been thinking a lot recently about how when faced with issues, people often find problems rather than solutions. It's a funny old thing to do really because you just end up feeling rubbish.

I guess it's something I've noticed more as I've gotten older, or more philosophical perhaps, and see around me in younger folk. I am sure I was the same when I was their age, but now I resolve to be a solution- rather than a problem-finder.

I guess us creative types are just more in touch with their emotions than most...

Friday 28 September 2007

mid-week benders...

So, going out on a school night, when is that ever a good idea? As we all creep around the office this morning nursing sore heads and tired bones, it strikes me that I'm probably getting a little too old for all this.

Once, in those halycon days gone by, going out after work to crawl back home at 3am only to get up at 7 to go back to work was never an issue. And something that was replicated many times over each week. Now I find that getting to bed even an hour later than usual makes me feel like I've visited 10 rounds with Mike Tyson. Sad really.

Having recently turned 30, I don't for one second think that I am old, but you do notice that things aren't quite as, well young, as they used to be... Though to be fair to the oldies the young'uns aren't fairing too well either :o)

Thursday 14 June 2007


I heard something today that really p'd me off. The trouble was, I heard it from a third party, who heard it from someone else - so what can you do!

My first reaction was to go talk to someone about it - vent my frustrations and all that, but it wouldn't do any good. Sometimes people really puzzle me - how when we're all part of the same 'team' we still all work against each other. You work really hard to please them and it's still not good enough.

I guess I was disappointed that the efforts that we make to 'get things done' goes largely unappreciated by some - and usually the ones that make the most noise.

M x

Thursday 3 May 2007

brum brum

Well, it seems that my mini rant about BMWs wasn't unfounded. On my way home, with my skinny space saver on my poor little car, a lovely BMW driver decided that my legal limit of 50 mph wasn't quite fast enough, so to chivvy me along, he'd get really close up behind me, flash his lights, sound his horn and generally gestate wildly at me...

Sometimes I really wonder about people, and why they feel that this is acceptable behaviour? When we really should have left this childish trantrum tendancy back in the playground - i guess the only explanation is that being in a BMW makes them regress or that BMW stands for Become a Major W*nker.


Tuesday 1 May 2007


After my 'accident' this morning, I was going to have a rant about BMW drivers and the way they think they own the road. But I realise it's a sweeping generalisation and that there must be some decent ones out there. Isn't there?

It was terrifying, and i suppose quite humbling. It makes you appreciate how normalised the experience of driving has become and how we take the danger of what we do with a pinch of salt! I was pretty shaken up, and to be honest angry about the fact that yet again I have to pay out money because of someone else's actions.

But, on the positive side, I wasn't hurt and my car wasn't damaged so maybe it wasn't all bad after all.

Thursday 5 April 2007

Lights, tunnel, action...

So, after spending a week under the oppressive darkness of wisdom teeth I have now finally emerged into the light and can again start to enjoy life. Man, that pain hurt!

One thing I pondered on this week while my jaw throbbed, is why exactly they are called wisdom teeth - it's not as if they bring wisdom to the masses, for most - me included, they seem to bring nothing but aggravation and pain, weird.

Still, the sun is shining and they say we're going to get record temperatures this weekend, so bring it on!

Friday 23 March 2007

like a loon

What a week! One word - emotional. With feelings running higher than the empire state for most of it, this week has been what you would call tiring. I am looking forward to the weekend and the chance to shut my brain off and not think about anything for a couple of days!

Though I am not looking forward to a weekend of chasing around like a loon trying to amuse the most demanding cat in the world. Having spent most of this week rushing around the house trailing a piece of string behind me like some kind of crazy person, followed by an equally crazed cat trying to catch the said bit of string, I kinda feel like it's time for a rest.

Got a funny feeling James won't agree...

Wednesday 21 March 2007

alright treacle

Ever feel like you're walking through treacle?

Today was one of those days for me, where you feel like you've trudged on all day only to end up pretty much where you started from. I guess the trick is to not worry too much about where you've ended up, but what you've gained along the way... apart from a few inches from all the treacle of course.

Sometimes life feels like it's a lot more complicated than it is, and it's only when we stop and take a step back that we really see things for what they are. My individual struggles today, while they are frustrating, they serve a purpose to try to bring in a new perspective and make things better for the future.

It's funny really, how things work out...

Tuesday 20 March 2007

the fun starts here...

So, my first foray into the world of blogging starts here. Kind of scary really when you think about it. The random verbalisation of your thoughts, captured down for others to read, pass judgement, form opinions - no pressure!

So, the aim for my blog is to be a kind of record of my thoughts, hopefully interesting, maybe funny, but mainly just me.